Provides employment and training services to assist farmworkers (seasonal or migrant) in obtaining permanent and higher-paying employment opportunities. English as a second language, GED/High school equivalency test instruction, career services, classes, training, and on-the-job experiences, skills training and certifications for farmworkers, support with the job application and search process, career counseling, financial assistance for college, and education and career services for agricultural workers and their dependents. Depending on location and funding availability, specific classes, training opportunities, and financial assistance will vary.
100 E Gladys Avenue
Suite C
Hermiston, OR 97838
Eligibility: To qualify, must have worked primarily in agriculture for at least the past two years, meet low-income qualifications, be authorized to work in the U.S., and if male, must have registered for Selective Service. College students who are former farmworkers and children of farmworkers are also eligible for scholarships. Contact an OHDC staff member to have an eligibility expert answer any questions.
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-noon and 1pm-5pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (541) 701-0550 Main phone
  • Main phone (541) 701-0550
Email Address: info@ohdc.org
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Call for appointment
FEES: None
DOCUMENTS: Call for required documents
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, interpretation or signing by arrangement
AREA SERVED: Morrow and Umatilla Counties
SITE HOURS: Monday-Thursday 8am-noon, 1pm-5pm
  • Career Counseling
  • Career Counseling * Migrants
  • Job Finding Assistance
  • Job Finding Assistance * Migrants
  • Job Finding Assistance * Seasonal Workers
  • Job Training Formats
  • Job Training Formats * Migrants
  • Job Training Formats * Seasonal Workers
  • Prejob Guidance
  • Prejob Guidance * Migrants
  • Prejob Guidance * Seasonal Workers
  • WIOA Programs
  • WIOA Programs * Migrants
  • WIOA Programs * Seasonal Workers
Other Services Offered At This Location:
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* The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. 211Info does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service.