Provides weatherization measures to Salem Electric residential members including ceiling, floor, wall, and duct insulation; caulking and weather stripping; and air sealing improvements. Incentives for window replacements are also available.
633 7th Street NW
Salem, OR 97304
Eligibility: Salem Electric residential members (homeowners and renters) with permanently installed electric heat who meet income guidelines could qualify for free weatherization measures. Members with heating fuels other than electricity may qualify for other programs. Household gross income limited to 60% of Oregon's median income.
Hours: Monday-Thursday 7am-5:30pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (503) 362-3601 Main phone
  • Main phone (503) 362-3601 Energy Efficiency Services
Email Address: [email protected]
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Call for information or visit website
FEES: None
DOCUMENTS: Proof of income
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, signing by arrangement
AREA SERVED: Cities of Keizer and Salem
TRAVEL/LOCATION INFORMATION: Cherriots bus stops within a block of the office.
  • Weatherization Programs
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