ScreenWise (formerly known as the Oregon Breast and Cervical Cancer Program or BCCP) provides breast and cervical cancer screenings and/or diagnostics. Participants wanting more information about family history collection and genetic conditions will be connected to the Oregon Genetics Program.
If diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer, the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (BCCTP) may be available to eligible participants.
1401 N 10th Avenue
Stayton, OR 97383
Eligibility: -Age 18-39 and needing breast or cervical cancer diagnostic services (determined by clinician)
-Age 40 or older needing breast or cervical cancer screening and/or diagnostic services
-Must live or intend to live in Oregon
-Have a household income at or below 250% Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
-Must be uninsured or have insurance but not enough to cover their needs

Women ages 50-64, or women 65 and older who are not enrolled in Medicare Part B, are eligible for breast, cervical, and genetic services.

Men of any age with symptoms of breast cancer are eligible for breast and genetic services.

United States citizenship is not required to participate in the ScreenWise program. However, it is required for enrollment into the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (BCCTP).
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (503) 769-2175 Main phone
  • (503) 769-9231 Ext: 1213 Billing Department
  • (503) 769-3154 FAX
  • Main (503) 769-2175
  • Screenwise (971) 673-0581
  • FAX (503) 769-5877
Email Address: [email protected]
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Call the main phone for clinic information and to schedule an appointment. Call the ScreenWise Information Line for more information about the program.
FEES: None for those who qualify
DOCUMENTS: Call for information
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, interpretation available by arrangement
AREA SERVED: State of Oregon
SITE HOURS: 24 hours per day / 7 days per week
  • Breast Examinations
  • Breast Self Examination Instruction
  • Mammograms
  • Pap Tests
Other Services Offered At This Location:
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