Offers internet access to low-income households. Participants may receive a low-cost internet connection and computer, along with free internet classes.
1701 John F Kennedy Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Eligibility: Recipient of a public assistance program such as Medicaid, SNAP, SSI, HUD housing assistance, the National School Lunch Program, LIHEAP, WIC, or tribal assistance. Must live in an area where Comcast Internet service is offered but have not subscribed to it within the last 90 days and have no outstanding debt to Comcast that is less than a year old. Households with outstanding debt more than one year old may still be eligible.
Hours: Not applicable
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (855) 846-8376 Toll-free Internet Essentials
  • Toll-free (855) 846-8376
Email Address: [email protected]
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Call or visit website for more information and to apply. Approval can take 7-10 business days.
FEES: -Internet connection: $14.95 per month
-Computer: $149.99 plus tax
-It is not necessary to purchase the low-cost computer to obtain the low-cost internet connection
DOCUMENTS: Social Security number or other valid ID and at least one of the following:

-Medicaid card or most recent eligibility letter for any member of your household
-Public housing assistance documentation such as your lease, housing assistance payment (HAP) contract, or eligibility documentation from HUD
-SNAP letter indicating you are approved for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits
-TANF eligibility letter for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
-SSI eligibility letter for Supplemental Security Income
-NSLP/Head Start letter indicating current participation in the National School Lunch Program or Head Start, with your child's name, the school name, and the address of where you are requesting service
-LIHEAP letter confirming your eligibility for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
-WIC eligibility letter for the Women, Infants, and Children program
-Veterans Pension eligibility determination letter from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
-Tribal assistance eligibility letter, including TTANF, FDPIR
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, ASL support is available via chat messenger
AREA SERVED: Nationwide
  • Computer Distribution Programs
  • Discounted Internet Service
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