Provides sewer, stormwater, and water bill discount program for all eligible households receiving water and/or sanitary sewer service as a direct customer of the Portland Water Bureau or Bureau of Environmental Services. Households must reapply for assistance every two years.

Applicants with an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) on their property with one water meter that serves both the primary home and the ADU are not eligible to participate in the discount program.

Water and sewer customers:
-Households earning less than 60% of the median family income (MFI) may receive a discount of up to $210.35 on a 90-day bill.
-Households earning less than 30% of MFI may receive a discount of up to $336.58 on a 90-day bill.
-Sewer-only customers and customers on alternative billing cycles discount amount will vary; call for information.
664 N Tillamook Street
Portland, OR 97227
Eligibility: City of Portland Water or Bureau of Environmental Services single-family residential accounts. Account holder must reside at the property. Customers with an outstanding balance are still eligible to apply.

For 60% MFI discount, monthly household income must not exceed:
1 person: $3,950
2 people: $4,515
3 people: $5,080
4 people: $5,640
5 people: $6,095
6 people: $6,614
7 people: $6,614
8 people: $7,445
Add $450 for each additional person

For 30% MFI discount, monthly household income must not exceed:
1 person: $1975
2 people: $2,258
3 people: $2,540
4 people: $2,820
5 people: $3,048
6 people: $3,307
7 people: $3,498
8 people: $3,723
Add $225 for each additional person
Hours: Monday-Tuesday/Thursday-Friday 8am-5pm, Wednesday 9am-5pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (503) 823-7770 Main phone
  • (503) 823-7525 Water Quality Line
  • (503) 823-4874 24/7 Water Service Emergency Line
  • Main phone (503) 823-7770
Email Address: [email protected]
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Visit website to apply, find participating community partners, or for more information. Call or email for assistance or to request an application by mail.
FEES: None
DOCUMENTS: -Proof of service address
-Names and birthdates of all household members age 60 and older
-Total gross monthly income for all household members over 18
-Proof of gross household income for last 30 days
LANGUAGES: English, interpretation by arrangement
AREA SERVED: City of Portland
SITE HOURS: Monday-Tuesday/Thursday-Friday 8am-5pm, Wednesday 9am-5pm
  • Discounted Sewer Service
  • Discounted Water Service
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