Health-related services (HRS) are non-covered services that are offered in addition to covered benefits of the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) through Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) to improve care delivery and overall member and community health and well-being. HRS may also be referred to as flexible services, or flex/flexible funds.

HRS are NOT intended to address emergency situations. CCOs are not required to offer flexible services. A CCO can decide to approve or deny flexible services requests on a case-by-case basis. Each CCO sets its own standards for which services to approve.

Individuals who are dual enrolled in both Medicare/Medicaid might be eligible for air conditioners.

HRS vary by an individual's CCO, and may include:

-Helping a person get a cell phone if having one will give them better access to their providers for telehealth
-Transit passes for members who need transportation for health-related needs beyond covered appointments
-Providing an air conditioner for a person whose medical diagnosis is affected by heat
-Accesses to a yoga studio or gym membership for a person whose back pain would be improved by an exercise class
-Preventing utilities shutoff to maintain service to medical equipment
-A class on cooking healthy meals for a person with diabetes
-Limited assistance with finding housing, move-in costs, and maintaining housing for OHP members facing certain life challenges

As flexible services are not a covered benefit, a denial cannot be appealed, but an OHP member can submit a complaint.
Eligibility: Current OHP members enrolled with a CCO. Health-related services are NOT an option for OHP open card non-CCO members, members with only Medicare enrollment, or individuals with private insurance.

Health-related services are limited, not immediate, not guaranteed or continuously available, and individuals may not qualify.

Health-related services must meet requirements for activities that improve health care quality or expenditures related to health information technology.
Hours: Varies by provider
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • Main phone (800) 273-0557 Client Services Unit
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Contact the CCO's customer service line or OHP member's advocate, provider, OHP-Certified Assister, or traditional health worker can request flexible services on behalf of an OHP member.

There is no Oregon Health Authority (OHA) required timeline for CCO review of flexible services requests. Turn around time can take 4 weeks or more once the request is submitted.
FEES: None
DOCUMENTS: Health-Related Services Funding Request Form, Diagnosis, and Treatment Plan
LANGUAGES: English, interpretation or signing by arrangement
AREA SERVED: State of Oregon
  • Air Conditioners * Medicaid Recipients
  • Cooking Classes * Medicaid Recipients
  • Electric Service Payment Assistance * Medicaid Recipients
  • Fitness Equipment and Accessories * Medicaid Recipients
  • Furniture * Medicaid Recipients
  • Health Related Temporary Housing * Medicaid Recipients
  • Homeless Motel Vouchers * Medicaid Recipients
  • Housing Search Assistance * Medicaid Recipients
  • Mobile Devices * Medicaid Recipients
  • Moving Expense Assistance * Medicaid Recipients
  • Rent Payment Assistance * Medicaid Recipients
  • Rental Deposit Assistance * Medicaid Recipients
  • Transportation Passes * Medicaid Recipients
  • Yoga * Medicaid Recipients
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* The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. 211Info does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service.

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