Manages state assistance programs that help participants pay for attendant care and non-care related assistance services designed to help older adults and people with disabilities remain independent.
Assistance may be provided in any of three settings:
-Participant's home
-Assisted living facility
-Adult family home

Community First Choice
-Provides attendant care and non-care related assistance services to older adults who would otherwise require nursing home placement
-Program participants can choose from whom they receive care services, including hiring family members as care providers

Community Options Program Entry System (COPES)
-Generally provided to clients who are also enrolled in Community First Choice

Medicaid Personal Care
-Provides personal care services for clients who do not require nursing-home-level care
Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
-Offers all services through one provider
-PACE can be funded either through Medicaid, Medicare or private-pay

New Freedom
-Participants manage their own service plan and budget and take primary responsibility for obtaining services

Medicaid Transformation Demonstration Medicaid Alternative Care (MAC)
-Supports unpaid caregivers of Medicaid recipients over the age of 55 Targeted Supports for Older Adults (TSOA)
-Supports older adults over the age of 55 who do not receive Medicaid. Participants enrolled in one of the in-home care programs may also qualify for other forms of support including assistive technology and personal emergency response systems
266 SW 2nd Street
Stevenson, WA 98648
Eligibility: -Eligibility for the different programs depends on both the care needs and the financial resources of the applicant
-Program standard for income and resources can be accessed by calling or checking most recent PDF listed at:
-Clients whose resources exceed the resource limit may still be eligible if they expect to meet the limit within one month of applying for the subsidy
-Client must have an unmet need for assistance with two or more activities of daily living, or have a cognitive impairment and need assistance with one or more activity of daily living
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (509) 427-0713 Main phone
  • (800) 505-4203 Alternate
  • Main phone (509) 427-0713
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Call for an application form, apply at a local Home and Community Services office or online
FEES: -Client may be required to contribute a participation fee to receive services
-Those receiving WA Apple Health (Medicaid) may receive services without a participation fee
LANGUAGES: English, interpretation by arrangement
AREA SERVED: Skamania County
  • Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
  • Housekeeping Assistance
  • In Home Meal Preparation
  • Intermediate Care Facility/DD Transition Financing Programs
  • Medicaid Information/Counseling
  • Personal Alarm Systems
  • Personal Care
  • Respite Care Subsidies
If you represent this agency, update your listing here.
* The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. 211Info does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service.