Provides pre-adoption birth certificates.
500 Summer Street NE
Salem, OR 973011097
Eligibility: Adoptees who are over the age of 21 and were born in Oregon or their representatives
Hours: No standard hours
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (503) 947-2340 Main phone Director's Office
  • Main phone (503) 945-6643 Adoption Services
Email Address: OHA.DirectorsOffice@odhsoha.oregon.gov
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Visit website for information
FEES: $30
DOCUMENTS: A valid driver’s license, official state ID card, or alternative identifying documents such as a utility bill, insurance statement, medical statement, paycheck stub, court or parole documents, valid work ID card, unemployment statement, food stamp or other benefit cards, firearm/fishing/hunting licenses, or vehicle registration
AREA SERVED: State of Oregon
  • Birth Certificates * Adoption/Foster Care/Kinship Care Issues
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