Provides information on affordable housing and shelter including case management, listing, and screening services.
1430 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97201
Eligibility: -Household must contain one member at least 55 years old
-Household must reside in Multnomah County or be homeless
-Household must not contain any minor children under 18 years old
-Household must have a plan for resuming rent payment
-Household must meet income requirements; priority for those making 20% Median Family Income (FMI) and below
Other criteria may apply. Focus is on serving older adults with health concerns or disabilities or who have very low income, language barriers, no support system, or other barriers to housing.
Hours: Message Line: 24 hours per day / 7 days per week
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (503) 227-5605 Main phone
  • Intake (503) 227-5605
Email Address: [email protected]
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Visit website or call for more information
FEES: None
DOCUMENTS: None at intake
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, interpretation by arrangement
AREA SERVED: Multnomah County
TRAVEL/LOCATION INFORMATION: Office is located on the corner of SW Broadway and Clay. Metered parking only. TriMet buses and MAX train within 2 blocks.
  • Elderly/Disabled Home Rental Listings
  • Transitional Housing/Shelter * Older Adults
Other Services Offered At This Location:
If you represent this agency, update your listing here.
* The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. 211Info does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service.