Nutrition Support is a health-related social need (HRSN) service provided by the Oregon Health Plan. HRSN Nutrition Support helps members with health-related condition(s) for which nutrition supports would improve health outcomes. This service may include:

Medically Tailored Meals (MTMs):
-Meals may consist of fresh or frozen food
-Up to three (3) meals per day with a duration of up to six (6) months
-Service is limited to once per eligible Member over the program's lifetime (September 2022-August 2027)
-Meals must be delivered to the Member’s home or private residence. Private residences may include shelters that do not provide residents with meals.

Nutrition Education:
-Nutrition education that offers evidence-based strategies on adopting food choices and other food and nutrition related behaviors conducive to health and well-being and guidance on food that is person-centered, considers dietary preferences and is culturally appropriate.

Members may not receive MTMs and Nutrition Education at the same time. However, if eligible, members may receive Nutrition Education before or after receiving MTMs.
500 Summer Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
Eligibility: OHP members:
Life situation: Members must be in at least one of these situations:
-Left incarceration (jail, detention, etc.) in the past 12 months
-Left a mental health or substance use disorder treatment facility in the past 12 months
-In the Oregon child welfare system (foster care) now or in the past
-Going from Medicaid-only benefits to qualifying for Medicaid plus Medicare
-Experiencing homelessness
-Have a household income that’s 30% or less of the average yearly income where they live AND lack resources or support to prevent homelessness (visit the HRSN provider web page for qualifying income tables)
-Being a young adult age 19-20 who is living with an ongoing childhood health condition

Qualifying health conditions: Members must have one of the following health conditions:
-Complex physical health condition
-Complex behavioral health condition
-Developmental or intellectual disability
-Difficulty with self-care and daily activities
-Experience of abuse or neglect
-65 or older
-Under age 6
-Pregnant or gave birth in the past 12 months
-Repeated trips to the emergency room or crisis service
-Experiencing food insecurity

More information on the program or specific details about each health condition can be found on pages 5-7

After the initial assessment, the member will be referred to a registered dietician for an assessment to demonstrate the need for MTMs and to ensure that MTM care plan goals are met.
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (503) 945-5772 Administration
  • (800) 273-0557 Toll-free
  • OHP Client Services (800) 273-0557
INTAKE PROCEDURE: CCO members: Call the CCO or visit website for more information
Open card members: Call or email for information
Clients not in a CCO: Call for information
FEES: None
DOCUMENTS: Call for more information
LANGUAGES: Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, interpretation or signing by arrangement
AREA SERVED: State of Oregon
SITE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
  • Home Delivered Meals * Medicaid Recipients
  • Nutrition Education * Medicaid Recipients
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* The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. 211Info does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service.