Tenant-Based Assistance (TBA) program may provide rental assistance to very low-income tenants by paying a portion of current or future rent, refundable security deposits, rental application fees, or potentially utility deposit fees. Unable to cover costs for past debts accrued. Assistance is to maintain or secure current housing. Households are required to meet with a case manager on an ongoing basis and make progress in their goals and plans for self-sufficiency. Approved applicants are funded for an initial 6-12 month period, although assistance may be extended for up to 24 months.
1317 NE Dustin Court
McMinnville, OR 97128
Eligibility: Participation guidelines are established by YCAP and the federal government and include the following standards:
-Household income must be at or below 50% of the Area Median Income
-Indicate program eligibility and potential positive outcomes after completing the Home TBA Housing Readiness Assessment
-Proposed rental unit must be within the area Fair Market Rent (FMR) guidelines
-Proposed rental unit must pass the Housing Quality Standards Inspection
-Landlord must agree to accept both the HOME TBA Program and a Section 8 lease agreement, if the applicant intends to get a Section 8 voucher for that rental unit
-Unit size allowed will follow the Housing Authority of Yamhill County's rules: two people per bedroom or allow a reasonable accommodation on a case-by-case basis
-TBA dollars, when available, are used to assist homeless individuals and families, with priority given to clients in YCAP programs, applicants with a disabled adult household member, survivors of domestic violence, survivors of a natural disaster or fire, applicants with a member of the Armed Forces returning from active duty in war or veterans, and applicants who are homeless, including people who are doubled up in unstable situations.
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • (503) 472-0457 Main phone
  • (855) 216-5289 Toll-free
  • Application (503) 687-1494
INTAKE PROCEDURE: The first 3 callers will be screened to receive assistance.
FEES: None
DOCUMENTS: Call to confirm necessary documents
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish
AREA SERVED: Yamhill County
SITE HOURS: Monday-Friday 9am-8pm
TRAVEL/LOCATION INFORMATION: Dustin Court is a cul-de-sac that was created for the YCAP building, so many GPS systems do not show this road. Enter "2170 NE Riverside Drive, McMinnville, OR" into a GPS system to get close to the building and from there, it is obvious where the YCAP building is.

Without a GPS system: Turn onto SE Riverside Drive from SE Lafayette Road. Once on Riverside Drive, the building is about 200 yards down on the left.
  • Rent Payment Assistance
  • Rental Application Fee Payment Assistance
  • Rental Deposit Assistance
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